Because You Fan Fan Fan * (Gifted)

For Sophie * (GIFTED)

For Joey! - (GIFTED)

Tell Your Dog I Said Hi - (AVAILABLE)

Static in My Attic - (SOLD)

Difficult Situations - (SOLD)

Shimmy Shimmy Cocoa Pop - (SOLD)

Adventurous Steps

It's Hip to be Square - (AVAILABLE)

It's Nice, It's Different, It's Unusual

Intra-Ancestral Transmission - (AVAILABLE)

Radiation Fascination * (AVAILABLE)

I'm Your Biggest Fan - (SOLD)

Black and White * Diamonds are Forever (GIFTED)

Black and White * One thru Twelve (SOLD)

Connections * Diversions (SOLD)

The Big Q (SOLD)

Four and Nine (SOLD)

Flower Power Throw Quilt - SOLD

Gift for Sharon and Warren

Baby Quilt -Sold-

Striations - Psychedelic Throw Quilt - Red and Green -Available-

For Scott -SOLD-

Baby Quilt - Optical Development - Cognitive Development - Black and White - Love & Rockets -SOLD-

Baby Quilt - Optical Development - Contrasting - SOLD

Baby Quilt - Optical Development - Bow Tie Freakout -AVAILABLE

Pink and Black 3D - AVAILABLE

Pink Black White - AVAILABLE -

Red Blue Transition - AVAILABLE-

Faces - GIFTED -

Green Black and White - GIFTED -

Quilt for Marissa - GIFTED -

Crazy Bargello - GIFTED -

Blue and White Freakout - SOLD -

Quilt for Charlie Rue - GIFTED -

Fibo-not Your Grandma's Throw Quilt - SOLD -

Rolling Waves - SOLD -

Jen & Beth Wedding Quilt - GIFTED -

Quilt for Myself!

Quilt for Alex - GIFTED -

Karoline & Glenn Wedding Quilt - GIFTED -

Quilt for Pulse Massacre - DONATED -

Quilt for Finnegan

Op Art Squares - GIFTED -

Baby Nguyen Quilt - GIFTED -

Kevin & Marker Quilt - GIFTED -